Issue 1: Is this thing on?

Testing, testing… 1 2 3

Looks like everything's running smoothly- welcome to the website! Yours truly typing away at the moment, what do you think of it all? Definitely pretty happy with how it's coming out, gonna be adding a lot more as time does its thing (always does). 

Been pretty quiet these past few months, I must say it's been a long and winding road (Beatles cliché hehe) from day 1. Taking on a solo career definitely has a lot more in store than on the surface, anything and everything is in your hands- which leads to lots and lots and LOTS of pressure.

The past 8 months (no way its been that long already) have been a journey of self-realization, discipline, and dedication that have humbled me and helped me better understand the industry I am getting myself into as well as what it takes on my end to make things happen. 

I don't want to give away any details just yet (wouldn't wanna spoil the fun now would we?) - but expect a lot from me in the next few months. This is gonna be fun and you guys are in for a real treat!

~ Jake

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