Issue 6: Sounds Of Summer 

My vision is complete, for now…

10 months of hard work, 13 tracks to show my worth. A single man with a dream and a passion can go a long way… 

I want to personally thank everyone involved in the process, helping me grow and learn as I’ve gone along through the years into the person I am now. I’d also like to thank those who have believed in me in any way, shape or form. Without your kind words and inspiration this would have never been possible, let alone a reality. 

But most importantly I have to thank YOU. You’ve given this dream the courage and strength to grow- this never would have become what it is now without you, never forget that. 

As I continue my journey I hope to have you here with me each step of the way- I don’t know where I am going, but I’ll always be sure to give it my all. Much love to every single one of you, you’ve helped a young man chase his dreams in the pursuit of reality. 

To where we’ve gotten and where we’ll go…

~ Jake

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